Chronicaling the lunacy of taming three acres in Tidewater Virginia, one square foot at a time!

"Gardens... should be like lovely, well-shaped girls: all curves, secret corners, unexpected deviations, seductive surprises and then still more curves. ~H.E. Bates, A Love of Flowers

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Planting and Picking and Eating!

A busy work week kept me out of the garden except for watering for much of this week. After playing chauffeur to all the kids and their activities today I indulged in a visit to the local garden center. I bought something I never planted before....Sweet Corn. The gardener assured me that the only trick was to plant multiple rows to help pollination...and otherwise a no brainer.
So for $1.49 a cell pack, it seemed like a low budget experiment. DD9 was very excited when I announced "we are planting corn!" We picked a spot between the onions that will be harvested long before our corn will be ready.
She was intrigued to see the small corn kernel still visible where the plant sprouted and began to grow leaves and roots.

After planting, we took our empty bowl....
...and started picking!
It was a one for me one for the bowl experience as she worked her way through the leaves to find the ripe pods, declared to be, "excellent."

We added a ready to harvest head of romaine, some broccoli, and baby radishes and Goddess Support made a killer salad to go with the gnocchi and gravy we brought back from the Grand Central Market in Manhattan yesterday. It was an awesome meal!

Right now there are 2 front loader bucketfuls of black gold AGAIN in the back of my fill the last 2 raised beds and set in the last of the vegetables. The weather is set to cool off to a more May like level, so the crazy growth may slow down a bit this week. We sure could use a little rain as we are under fire danger with the wind up and the humidity low.

Happy Mother's Day to all my fellow gardeners and bloggers...I hope your day is filled with whatever makes you happiest!

1 comment:

Sylvana said...

I would be harvesting some things right now, if it weren't for the rabbits.

Good luck with the corn. They are right - do not plant in rows, plant in bunches. The plants need to be close together to pollinate and grow kernels.